
Better unsaid, but better-ER to be let out

In Life, Personal, Rant on February 4, 2011 by lexie-chan Tagged: , , ,

It’s better if you just skip and not read this.

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I’ll be bold enough to say that I do like getting feedbacks, comments or just about any reaction from people whenever I muster enough courage and show them my most precious works (drawings). I don’t care if its in a positive or negative notion.. But I want my work recognized.

And so, earlier today, I met up with my friends. While we were wasting time at home, I timidly grabbed his attention and showed him the manga I’ve been working on these past few weeks.

He, didn’t really generate the type of reaction I was hoping he would have, in my mind. And admittedly, that made me sad. Lol. I’ve long been aware that he has a ‘narcissistic’ personality but iuno, i just didn’t feel his support. He just likes to talk about himself and his own business to cater his ego. He’s bot the best listener so i should know better than to expect as much from him. I love him to death but I wish sometimes he’ll go pass the immaturity stage like, iuno.. Like RIGHT NOW.

*sigh* I’m not even sure why I’m blogging this.. I mean, I got over it. But the realization about my feelings just hit me now. LOLOL. And I wan’t to have a mental note that he is what he is. All I can dream about is his transition to adulthood so he can start thinking about others too. And this is not even just about the shallow stuff about my manga, his actions towards people in general. Lololol.

5 Responses to “Better unsaid, but better-ER to be let out”

  1. Wow…have you told him that? Sounds to me, and I could be wrong, that it’s deeper than this. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Actually, he is aware of his own incapability to listen to people. And he likes to argue a lot, too. On our part, We seriously wish he grows up already… It’s tiring to always understand him… -____-;

      Thanks for your insight :3

  2. nah…you’ll find someone who would be a big fan for your drawings. happy blogging! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. *ehem* kilala ko ba yan? Pero I do think kilala ko yang taong yan. haha..

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