Archive for the ‘Everyday’ Category


That’s A Wrap!

In Everyday,Life,Personal on January 1, 2024 by lexie-chan Tagged: , , ,

Can’t believe 2023 is over! It literally felt like it flew by in a blink of an eye.

In summary, 2023 was really good to us. I feel very happy with my career and the growth I’m having. I also see steady growth with my net worth and even if it took me longer than my peers, I really appreciate the fact that I learned so much in my financial journey.

R and I also started an investment account for our baby and just imagining his future that is not as strained as some people give me peace. I hope we’ll be able to impart with him a strong financial foundation so he can flourish.

2023 is also great for the family because we were able to live by ourselves even for a little bit when the in laws are out of the country. It felt so freeing and unconstricted! It’s nice to be able to do things I want without feeling judged (just me and my feelings about the situation and my crazy mind. It’s prolly all in my head). I wish to have more opportunities like this so I can invite people over without worrying.

We hope that we’ll be as happy in 2024 and that the early intervention we’ll provide our baby will help him with his speech delay. Besides that (and his lack of weight gain…), he’s a healthy baby who is very active and lively. Haha!

Anyway, cheers in the new year!